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Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Biochemistry
소비자가격 42,000원 76%할인
판매가격 10,000원 100점 적립
출판사 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
저자 Michael A Lieberman, Rick Ricer
발행일 2009-12-01
판형 21.4×27.6×0.8
페이지 수 224
ISBN 9781605473024
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

From the Publisher

Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Biochemistry offers up-to-date, clinically relevant board-style questions-perfect for course review and board prep! Approximately 400 multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations cover frequently tested topics in biochemistry, including introductory human genetics, cancer biology, and molecular biology. The book is heavily illustrated with photos or pathway diagrams in the question or answer explanation. Online access to the questions and answers provides flexible study options. Over 200 bonus recall-style questions are also included online!

Table of Contents

Perface and Acknowledgments
Chapter1: Biochemical Compounds
Chapter 2: Protein Structure and Function
Chapter 3: DNA Structure
Chapter 4: RNA Synthesis
Chapter 5: Protein Synthesis
Chapter 6: Regulation of Gene Expression
Chapter 7: Molecular Medicine and Techniques
Chapter 8: Energy Metabolism Overview
Chapter 9: Hormones and Signaling Mechanisms
Chapter 10: Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Chapter 11: TCA Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation
Chapter 12: Glycogen Metabolism
Chapter 13: Fatty Acid Metabolism
Chapter 14: HMP Shunt and Oxygen Radicals
Chapter 15: Amino Acid Metabolism and the Urea Cycle
Chapter 16: Phospholipid Metabolism
Chapter 17: Whole-body Lipid Metabolism
Chapter 18: Purine/Pyrimidine Metabolism
Chapter 19: Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Chapter 20: Nutrition and Vitamins
Chapter 21: Human Genetics and Cancer
Figure Credits

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