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Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology (2nd)
소비자가격 42,000원 50%할인
판매가격 21,000원 100점 적립
출판사 Wolters Kluwers
저자 Nalini Chandar 외 1인
발행일 2018-02
판형 21.0×27.6×1.2
페이지 수 260
ISBN 9781975106232
제품코드 9781975106232
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
From the Publisher
Efficiently master essential cell and molecular biology information!
 Now in its second edition, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology continues to provide a highly visual presentation of essential cell and molecular biology, focusing on topics related to human health and disease. It offers all the most popular features of the bestselling Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series, including abundant full-color, annotated illustrations, chapter overviews, an expanded outline format, chapter summaries, and review questions that link basic science to real-life clinical situations.
•Master all the latest cell and molecular biology knowledge, thanks to revisions throughout, including updated unit overviews and chapter summaries, which set goals for understanding and re-emphasize essential concepts from each chapter.
•Understand the practical applications with clinical boxes that reinforce key concepts by direct application to real-world scenarios, now with expanded information on specific cellular processes.
•Visualize key concepts more clearly with the aid of nearly 250 full-color, annotated illustrations.
•Extend your learning online with access to new animations and an interactive question bank.

Table of Contents
UNIT I 一 Cell and Tissue Structure and Organization
Chapter 1: Stem Cells and Their Differentiation
Chapter 2: Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion
Chapter 3: Biological Membranes
Chapter 4: Cytoskeleton
Chapter 5: Organelles
UNIT II 一 Organization of the Eukaryotic Genome and Gene Expression
Chapter 6: The Eukaryotic Genome
Chapter 7: DNA Replication
Chapter 8: Transcription
Chapter 9: Translation
Chapter 10: Regulation of Gene Expression
Chapter 11: Protein Trafficking
Chapter 12: Protein Degradation
UNIT III 一 Membrane Transport
Chapter 13: Basic Concepts of Transport
Chapter 14: Active Transport
Chapter 15: Glucose Transport
Chapter 16: Drug Transport
UNIT IV 一 Cell Signaling
Chapter 17: G-Protein Signaling
Chapter 18: Catalytic Receptor Signaling
Chapter 19: Steroid Receptor Signaling
UNIT V 一 Regulation of Cell Growth and Cell Death
Chapter 20: The Cell Cycle
Chapter 21: Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Chapter 22: Abnormal Cell Growth
Chapter 23: Cell Death
Chapter 24: Aging and Senescence
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