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T.02-843-3281~3, 02-834-9101~2
평일 09:00 ~ 18:00
(점심시간 12:30 ~ 13:30
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Principles of Pharmacology (4th)
소비자가격 88,000원 0%할인
판매가격 88,000원 880점 적립
출판사 Wolters kluwer
저자 David Golan
발행일 2016-03
판형 21.4×27.5×3.7
페이지 수 1020
ISBN 9781496320575
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Main description:

Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, Third Edition, is a primary textbook for a first course in pharmacology. It offers an integrated mechanism-based and systems-based approach, incorporating the cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology of organ systems. The completely updated Third Edition features content reflecting current research findings, more than 400 full-color illustrations, Drug Summary Tables, and increased coverage of drug metabolism and the treatment of mycobacterial infections.


Section I. Fundamental principles of pharmacology
Section II. Principles of Neuropharmacology
Section IIA. Fundamental Principles of Neuropharmacology
Section IIB. Principles of Autuonomic and Peripheral Nervous System Pharmacology
Section IIC. Principles of Central Nervous System Pharmacology
Section III. Principles of Cadiovascular Pharmacology
Section IV. Principles of Endocrine Pharmacology
Section V. Principles of Chemotherapy
Section VI. Principles of Inflammation and Immune Pharmacology
Section VII. Environmental Toxicology
Section IIA. Fundamentals of Drug Development and regulation

Golan의 약리학 - 골란의 약리학 - (제4판)
-약물요법의 병태생리학적 기초-
Principles of Pharmacology (4th)
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