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100 Q&A about Psoriasis
소비자가격 20,000원 0%할인
판매가격 20,000원 200점 적립
출판사 Jones and Bartlett
저자 Kendra Gail Bergstrom, Alexa Boer Kimball
발행일 2004-12-27
판형 15.2 x 22.8 x 0.9
페이지 수 179
ISBN 0763745685
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Key Features

100 Questions & Answers About Psoriasis

Kendra Gail Bergstrom, MD, NYU School of Medicine, Alexa Boer Kimball, MD, MPH, Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women's Hospitals

  ▪ Written by two expert, experienced dermatologists specializing in treating psoriasis
  ▪ Includes information on the new generation of psoriasis drugs
  ▪ Concise, easy-to-read paperback book
  ▪ The question and answer format mimics an actual physician consultation and allows readers to quickly find
    the specific questions and answers they are seeking
  ▪ Provides both the patient’s and physician’s perspective on psoriasis
  ▪ Provides practical answers to questions about treatment options, quality of life, sources of support,
    and much more

Table of Contents

Part 1. The Basics
Questions 1–15 Some of the questions covered in this section are the following:
  ▪ What is skin?
  ▪ What is the immune system?
  ▪ What is psoriasis?
  ▪ What causes psoriasis?
  ▪ How common is psoriasis?

Part 2. Diagnosis
Questions 16-23 Some of the questions covered in this section are the following:
  ▪ How does someone know if they have psoriasis?
  ▪ If I have psoriasis, am I at risk for other diseases as well?
  ▪ If I have a biopsy, how can I understand the results?
  ▪ What information should I bring to my dermatologist visit?
  ▪ My doctor told me I have psoriatic arthritis. How is this different from other types of arthritis?

Part 3. Risks/Prevention/Epidemiology
Questions 24-33 Some of the questions covered in this section are the following:
  ▪ Are there different types of psoriasis?
  ▪ Is psoriasis genetic- will I give it to my children, or will I get it if a relative has the disease?
  ▪ Does psoriasis always get better or worse?
  ▪ Why do some people have mild psoriasis and others have severe disease?
  ▪ Will psoriasis go away?

Part 4. Treatment
Questions 34-81 Some of the questions covered in this section are the following:
  ▪ What options do I have to treat my psoriasis, and do I need to treat it to keep it from getting worse?
  ▪ How can I decide which treatment is best for me?
  ▪ Are there different treatments for different kinds of psoriasis?
  ▪ Does health insurance cover psoriasis treatment?
  ▪ How do I select a dermatologist?

Part 5. Social Effects of Psoriasis
Questions 82-100 Some of the questions covered in this section are the following:
  ▪ I don’t have medical insurance. How can I get care for my psoriasis?
  ▪ What are common problems faced by people with psoriasis?
  ▪ How do people usually feel about psoriasis?
  ▪ What are some of the ways people deal with their psoriasis? (How do I cope with knowing I have psoriasis?)
  ▪ Are their support groups for psoriasis- how can I found out about them?


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