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100 Q&A about Pancreatic Cancer
소비자가격 20,000원 0%할인
판매가격 20,000원 200점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
저자 Eileen O'Reilly, Joanne Frankel Kelvin, RN, MSN
발행일 2003-01-02
판형 15.2 x 22.8 x 1.0
페이지 수 177
ISBN 0763720577
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Key Features

100 Questions & Answers About Pancreatic Cancer
Eileen O'Reilly, MD, Joanne Kelvin, RN, John R. Harty, Joy McCully

  ▪ Concise, easy-to-read paperback book.
  ▪ The question and answer format mimics an actual physician consultation.
  ▪ Provides both the patient’s and physician’s perspective on pancreatic cancer.
  ▪ Written by an expert author team with extensive experience.
  ▪ Provides practical answers to questions about treatment options, quality of life, care giving, sources of
    support, and much more.

Table of Contents

Part 1. The Basics
Questions 1–10 cover the background topics in pancreatic cancer, including:
  ▪ What is cancer?
  ▪ Where is the pancreas gland located?
  ▪ What does the pancreas gland do?
  ▪ Are there different types of pancreatic cancer?

Part 2. Diagnosis and Staging
Questions 11-15 cover the process of diagnosing and staging pancreatic cancer:
  ▪ What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?
  ▪ What is a pathology report, and what information should I learn from it?
  ▪ What is cancer staging, and why is it important?

Part 3. Treatment
Questions 16-52 describe the various forms of treatment for pancreatic cancer:
  ▪ What are the different types of treatment used to treat pancreatic cancer?
  ▪ What is a “Whipple” operation? What are some of the expected side effects of surgery?
  ▪ What is performance status and how does that influence my treatment choice?
  ▪ Why is surgery an option for some people and not others with this cancer?

Part 4. Managing Your Treatment
Questions 53-59 discuss ways in which you can get the information that you need to make the right decisions:
  ▪ How can I get a second opinion about my treatment?
  ▪ How do I decide whether I should use one of the complementary or alternative therapies that my family and
    friends are recommending?
  ▪ So much information is available on the Internet. How do I evaluate this information to be sure
    that it is complete, accurate, and up-to-date?

Part 5. Changes Cancer Brings
Questions 60-77 describe some of the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that people with pancreatic cancer might face. This includes a section for family and friends of cancer patients.
  ▪ I feel so overwhelmed by all of the information that I am getting. How do I make decisions about my treatment?
  ▪ What can I do to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting related to my chemotherapy or radiation therapy?
  ▪ I was told that chemotherapy may cause a drop in my blood counts. What does this mean?
  ▪ I have difficulty sleeping at night. What can I do to sleep better and feel more rested?
  ▪ Will I have pain? What options are available for treating my pain?
  ▪ I never feel hungry and am concerned about losing weight. What can I do to increase my appetite
    and maintain my weight?

Part 6. Emotional and Social Concerns
Questions 78-100 describe some common concerns of cancer patients and their loved ones:
  ▪ How do I tell my family and friends that I have cancer of the pancreas?
  ▪ Are there support groups where I can talk with other patients going through the same thing I am?
  ▪ Should I work during my treatment?
  ▪ How do we manage the financial burdens that cancer places on our family?
For Family and Friends
  ▪ How can I help?
  ▪ What is the right thing to say?
Preparing for the End of Life
  ▪ What is hospice? How can I find a hospice if I need one?
  ▪ What are advance directives? How can I be sure my wishes are known?

A list of Web sites, organizations, and literature to help pancreatic cancer patients and their families find additional resources on general and specific topics related to pancreatic cancer.


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