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100 Q&A about Colorectal Cancer
소비자가격 20,000원 0%할인
판매가격 20,000원 200점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
저자 David S.Bub, Susannah Rose, MSSW W.Douglas Wong
발행일 2002-11-30
판형 15.2 x 22.8 x 1.4
페이지 수 278
ISBN 0763720356
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Key Features

100 Questions and Answers about Colorectal Cancer
David Bub, MD, Susannah Rose, MSSW, W. Douglas Wong, MD

  ▪ The question and answer format mimics an actual physician consultation.
  ▪ Also, the text is authored by a colorectal cancer survivor and two prominent cancer physicians.

Table of Contents

Part 1. The Basics: Understanding the Immune and Circulatory Systems
Questions 1–10 introduce the immune and circulatory systems, describing their function and involvement in lymphoma through such questions as:

Part 1: The Basics
Questions 1-11 address fundamental questions about the colon and rectum and what occurs when they develop cancer, including:
  ▪ What is the colon? How does it function?
  ▪ What is the rectum? Why is it different from the colon?
  ▪ What is cancer?
  ▪ What is a colonic polyp?
  ▪ Are all colorectal cancers fatal? What is my prognosis if I get colorectal cancer?

Part 2: Risk and Prevention
Questions 12-17 describe some of the factors that affect an individual's risk of getting colorectal cancer:
  ▪ What are risk factors for developing colorectal cancer?
  ▪ If someone in my family has colon cancer, how does that affect my risk?
  ▪ Do inflammatory bowel diseases cause colorectal cancer?
  ▪ What can I do to prevent colorectal cancer? Have any medications or vitamins been proven to reduce risk?

Part 3: Screening and Diagnosis
Questions 18-27 discuss the techniques used to screen for and diagnose colorectal cancer, including:
  ▪ How will I know if I have colorectal cancer?
  ▪ What kind of screening is available, and at what age should I start?
  ▪ After having a colonoscopy, how long will it take before I know whether the polyp contained cancer or not?

Part 4: Treatment
Questions 28-72 provide an extensive description of therapies for colorectal cancer, including the preoperative workup, surgery, and adjuvant therapies:
  ▪ What is cancer's stage? How is the stage determined, and why is it important?
  ▪ What additional tests will I need before surgery?
  ▪ What kind of preparation will I need for surgery? Will I need to come into the hospital? How should I pack for
    my hospital stay?
  ▪ What kind of operation will I need for my colon cancer? How are these operations performed?
  ▪ What are the risks of surgery?
  ▪ Will I need a colostomy?
  ▪ What are the other therapies besides surgery?
  ▪ What about alternative medicine and homeopathic options?

Part 5: Changes Cancer Brings
Questions 73-100 discuss some of the many ways in which colorectal cancer can change your life and the new concerns that might arise, including:
  ▪ How do I know if I am making the best treatment decisions regarding my newly diagnosed colorectal cancer?
  ▪ After being diagnosed with cancer, I have had a variety of emotional reactions. Is this normal, or am I going
    crazy on top of having cancer?
  ▪ Are there any useful tricks or techniques to help me manage the stress of my diagnosis, upcoming surgery,
    and possible chemo and radiation?
  ▪ Who do I tell about my cancer diagnosis, and what do I tell them?
  ▪ Will I be able to continue working during radiation treatments and chemotherapy?
  ▪ What is a health care proxy and living will?
  ▪ Where can I get more information about colorectal cancer?

Question 100 is a list of web sites, organizations, and literature to help colorectal cancer patients and their families find additional resources on general and specific topics related to colorectal cancer.


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