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100 Q&A about Migraine
소비자가격 20,000원 0%할인
판매가격 20,000원 200점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
저자 Katherine A.Henry, Anthony P.Bossis
발행일 2005-04-30
판형 15.2 x 22.8 x 1.3
페이지 수 259
ISBN 0763735914
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Key Features

100 Questions & Answers About Migraine
Katherine A. Henry, MD, NYU School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital Center, Anthony P. Bossis, PhD, NYU School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital Center

  ▪ Concise, easy-to-read paperback book.
  ▪ The question and answer format mimics an actual physician consultation.
  ▪ Provides both the patient’s and physician’s perspective on migraine.
  ▪ Provides practical answers to questions about treatment options, quality of life, care giving, sources of
    support, and much more.
  ▪ Written by a neurologist with extensive experience treating patients with migraine and a clinical psychologist
    who is a pain management expert

Table of Contents

Part 1. All About Migraine
Questions 1–17 give basic background about migraine, including:
  ▪ What is the history of migraine?
  ▪ What is a migraine?
  ▪ What are the changes that occur in the brain that lead to migraines?
  ▪ What causes migraine?

Part 2.Treatment and the Doctor’s Visit
Questions 18–46 describe how migraine is treated:
  ▪ What types of pharmacological approaches do physicians use in the treatment of migraine?
  ▪ What are some of the medications my doctor might recommend or prescribe?
  ▪ What if none of my usual migraine treatments work? At what point do I go to the emergency room?

Part 3. Migraine Across the Lifespan
Questions 47–52 detail how migraine affects people of different age groups, including:
  ▪ How common is migraine in children? Is migraine different in children than they are in adults?
  ▪ Why does it seem that women have more migraines than men?
  ▪ What happens to migraine during pregnancy?

Part 4. Managing Your Migraines:Taking Control
Questions 53–72 describe strategies for alleviating or preventing migraines, such as:
  ▪ Does it help to keep track of my migraines?
  ▪ What is a migraine trigger?
  ▪ Why is it important to identify my triggers? How can I identify what my migraine triggers are?

Part 5.The Emotional Side of Migraine: Learning to Cope
Questions 73–88 discusses psychological problems that may be associated with migraine, including:
  ▪ I’ve been feeling increasingly depressed and anxious. Is there a connection between depression, anxiety,
    and migraine?
  ▪ My doctor prescribed an antidepressant medication for me. Does this mean that my migraines are caused by
  ▪ I find myself struggling with emotions such as anger, guilt, and shame. Are these types of feelings common?

Part 6. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Questions 89–100 discuss non-standard treatments for migraine, including:
  ▪ What is complementary and alternative medicine?
  ▪ What are the primary treatments included in complementary and alternative medicine?
  ▪ When should I consult with a CAM practitioner or think about using a complementary and alternative treatment?

Feature: Exercises for Migraine Prevention
A list of web sites, organizations, and literature to help migraine patients and their families find additional information on general and specific topics related to migraines.

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