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100 Questions And Answers About Chronic Pain
소비자가격 22,000원 0%할인
판매가격 22,000원 220점 적립
출판사 Jones & Bartlett Learning
저자 Vladimir Maletic, Rakesh Jain, Charles L. Raison
발행일 2010-12
판형 15.2 x 22.9 x 0.8 (cm)
페이지 수 166
ISBN 9780763786045
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Table of Contents

Introduction vii

Foreword ix

Part 1 Introduction to Pain and Pain Disorders 1

Questions 1-40 discuss the basics of pain and common pain disorders:

What is pain, and why do we hurt? Can pain sometimes be good?

My spouse has recently been diagnosed with neuropathic pain disorder. Is this a common disease? Can you help me understand it better?

How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?

Part 2 Neurobiology of Pain 59

Questions 41-50 explain how the human brain can affect pain:

Can you describe pathways that conduct painful signals from the periphery of the body to the brain?

Can the brain change the intensity of pain?

Can chronic pain cause changes in the brain structure?

Part 3 Non-Pharmacological Strategies for Pain Treatment 77

Questions 51-62 review helpful treatments for pain without the use of medications:

How do non-medication approaches work to control my chronic pain, and which ones are the most effective?

How can cognitive-behavioral therapy work for chronic pain?

What about physical exercise? Can it help?

Part 4 Medications for Pain Treatment 95

Questions 63-80 introduce pain medications and how to safely use them in your treatment:

What are the different types of pain medicines available to help me, and how do they work?

Are all antidepressants equally effective treatments for pain?

I heard that some patients taking pain medicine have developed tolerance, what is that, and how can I avoid it?

Part 5 Interventional and Surgical Means of Treating Pain 123

Questions 81-87 discuss the surgical and invasive procedures used to treat pain:

Could surgery possibly help my chronic pain? If so, what kind of pain is most likely to respond to a surgical intervention?

What are the different kinds of surgeries that can help with chronic pain, and which doctors should I consult?

What are nerve blocks, and could they help me?

Part 6 Coping with, Living with, and Thriving Despite Pain 133

Questions 88-100 explain popular coping techniques used to manage your condition, which can help you live your best life despite suffering from chronic pain:

What advice do you have for me if I would like to join a support group to connect with other people suffering from pain?

What are some coping skills that can help me and my family deal better with chronic pain?

Can complementary therapies or alternative therapies be helpful in pain management?

Glossary 153

Index 161

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