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Natural Products Interactions on Genomes
Clinical Pharmacognosy Series
소비자가격 80,000원 0%할인
판매가격 80,000원 800점 적립
출판사 CRC Press
저자 Siva Somasundaram
발행일 2015-10-15
판형 16.3×24.0×1.8
페이지 수 216
ISBN 9781439872314
제품코드 9781439872314
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제


  • Presents a collection of genomic interactions with various natural products
  • Examines interactions of natural products with genes involved in diseases such as breast and prostate cancer
  • Includes tables detailing the effects of natural products on various microorganisms in the body and environment
  • Provides hyperlinks to NCBI-PubMed websites containing updated literature on natural products and interactions with genes involved in metabolic pathways


Foods from natural products are a major contributor to contemporary dietary needs. The knowledge of interactions of specific natural products on genes is accumulating due to recent scientific advancements. Natural Products Interactions on Genomes focuses on recent developments in understanding human genome interactions with various natural products.

The book first examines selected major natural products and their interactions with selected genes for each chromosome in mammals, then moves on to focused discussions on interactions of natural products with genes that are involved in specific diseases. It includes studies on breast cancer and prostate cancer. The focus then shifts to the effects of natural products on microbial growth and a final chapter that discusses future challenges and prospects in the field.

This book also presents a unique real-time approach by providing hyperlinks to websites with updated literature on natural products and interactions with genes involved in metabolic pathways.

With a broad range of relevance among disciplines including biology, biomedical science, pharmacy, medicinal chemistry, and naturopathic and herbal medicine, Natural Products Interactions on Genomes provides a valuable reference. It gives you an understanding of the methods of study of natural products and their effects on genomes while pointing toward the future of natural products and the areas they impact in health and science.

Table of Contents

Genomes are Evolving Science Due to the Interactions of Natural Products
Siva Somasundaram

Interactions of Natural Products with Selected Genes of Mammalian Chromosomes
Siva Somasundaram

Interaction of Citrus Natural Products with Genomes
Siva Somasundaram, Janet Price, G.K. Jayaprakasha, and Bhimanagouda S. Patil

Combinatorial Effect of Natural Products and Chemotherapy Interactions in Cancer
Siva Somasundaram, Janet Price, G.K. Jayaprakasha, Richard S. Gunasekera, and Bhimanagouda S. Patil

Interactions of Natural Products with Microbial Genomes
Chandra Somasundaram

Interactions of Natural Products with Genomes—Future Challenges
Siva Somasundaram

Appendix I

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