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Drug Discovery and Development, Drug Discovery, vol.1
소비자가격 100,000원 80%할인
판매가격 20,000원 200점 적립
출판사 Wiley
저자 Mukund S. Chorghade
발행일 2006-07-16
판형 18.4 x 26.0 x 2.7
페이지 수 456
ISBN 9780471398486
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

Book Description

This two volume set provides a comprehensive account of the entire sequence of operations involved in discovering a drug through the actual delivery of the drug to clinicians and medical practitioners.

   • Includes case studies of the discovery of erythromycin analogs (antibiotics), Tagamet, and Ultiva
   • Discusses the discovery of agents for the treatment and management of bacterial infections,
     Parkinson's disease, psoriasis, ulcers and stomach pain, atopic dermatitis, asthma, and cancer
   • Contains chapters on combinatorial chemistry, molecular biology-based drug discovery, genomics,
     and chemogenomics

The first volume of this set thoroughly describes conceptualizing a drug, creating a library of candidates for testing, screening those candidates for in vitro and in vivo activity, conducting and analyzing the results of clinical trials, and revising the drug as necessary.

From the Back Cover

From first principles to real-world applications — here is the first comprehensive guide to drug discovery and development

Modern drug discovery and development require the collaborative efforts of specialists in a broadarray of scientific, technical, and business disciplines—from biochemistry to molecular biology, organic chemistry to medicinal chemistry, pharmacology to marketing. Yet surprisingly, until now, there were no authoritative references offering a complete, fully integrated picture of the process.

The only comprehensive guide of its kind, this groundbreaking two-volume resource provides an overview of the entire sequence of operations involved in drug discovery and development—from initial conceptualization to commercialization to clinicians and medical practitioners. Volume 1: Drug Discovery describes all the steps in the discovery process, including conceptualizing a drug, creating a library of candidates for testing, screening candidates for in vitro and in vivo activity, conducting and analyzing the results of clinical trials, and modifying a drug as necessary. Volume 2: Drug Development delves into the nitty-gritty details of optimizing the synthetic route, drug manufacturing, outsourcing, and marketing—including drug coloring and delivery methods.

Featuring contributions from a world-class team of experts, Drug Discovery and Development:

   • Features fascinating case studies, including the discovery and development of erythromycin analogs,
     Tagamet, and Ultiva (remifentanil)
   • Discusses the discovery of medications for bacterial infections, Parkinson's disease, psoriasis, peptic
     ulcers, atopic dermatitis, asthma, and cancer
   • Includes chapters on combinatorial chemistry, molecular biology-based drug discovery, genomics,
     and chemogenomics

Drug Discovery and Development is an indispensable working resource for industrialchemists, biologists, biochemists, and executives who work in the pharmaceutical industry.

Table Contents

   1. From Patent to Prescription: Paving the Perilous Path to Profit
   2. Medicinal Chemistry in the New Millennium: A Glance into the Future
   3. Contemporary Drug Discovery
   4. Combinatorial Chemistry in the Drug Discovery Process
   5. Parallel Solution-Phase Synthesis
   6. Timing of Analog Research in Medicinal Chemistry
   7. Possible Alternatives to High-Throughput Screening
   8. Proteomics and Drug Discovery
   9. Using Drug Metabolism Databases During Drug Design and Development
   10. Discovery of the Antiulcer Drug Tagamet
   11. Discovery of Potent Nonpeptide Vasopressin Receptor Antagonists
   12. Discovery and Development of the Ultrashort-Acting Analgesic Remifentanil
   13. Discovery and Development of Nevirapine
   14. Applications of Nuclear Imaging in Drug Discovery and Development
   15. Polymeric Sequestrants as Nonabsorbed Human Therapeutics
   16. Botanical Immunomodulators and Chemoprotectants in Cancer Therapy

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