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Bioanalysis of Pharmaceuticals (1st)
Bioanalysis of Pharmaceuticals: Sample Preparation, Separation Techniques and Mass Spectrometry (1st)
소비자가격 80,000원 0%할인
판매가격 80,000원 800점 적립
출판사 Wiley
저자 Steen Honoré Hansen, Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard
발행일 2015-07-20
판형 17.2×24.5×1.5
페이지 수 336
ISBN 9781118716823
제품코드 9781118716823
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Book Descriptione

From the Back Cover

Bioanalysis of Pharmaceuticals: Sample Preparation, Separation Techniques and Mass Spectrometry is the first student textbook on the separation science and mass spectrometry of pharmaceuticals present in biological fluids with an educational presentation of the principles, concepts and applications. It discusses the chemical structures and properties of low- and high-molecular drug substances; the different types of biological samples and fluids that are used; how to prepare the samples by extraction, and how to perform the appropriate analytical measurements by chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods.

Bioanalysis of Pharmaceuticals: Sample Preparation, Separation Techniques and Mass Spectrometry:

  • Is an introductory student textbook discussing the different principles and concepts clearly and comprehensively, with many relevant and educational examples
  • Focuses on substances that are administered as human drugs, including low-molecular drug substances, peptides, and proteins
  • Presents both the basic principles that are regularly taught in universities, along with the practical use of bioanalysis as carried out by researchers in the pharmaceutical industry and in hospital laboratories
  • Is aimed at undergraduate students, scientists, technicians and researchers in industry working in the areas of pharmaceutical analyses, biopharmaceutical analyses, biological and life sciences

The book includes multiple examples to illustrate the theory and application, with many practical aspects including calculations, thus helping the student to learn how to convert the data recorded by instruments into the real concentration of the drug substances within the biological sample.


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