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Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, 4th
소비자가격 80,000원 50%할인
판매가격 40,000원 400점 적립
출판사 Wiley
저자 Robert C. Smart, Ernest Hodgson
발행일 2008-08-18
판형 18.3×26.0×5.4
페이지 수 902
ISBN 9780470102114
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

An essential resource for graduate students, academic and industrial toxicologists, and environmental health scientists and professionals

Over the course of thirty years and three editions, Introduction to Biochemical Toxicology has been an important source for coverage of the ongoing quest to define the biochemical, cellular, and molecular events induced by toxicants at the cellular and organismic levels. Now, as the principles and methods of molecular and cellular biology as well as genomic sciences play an ever increasing role in mechanistic toxicology, significant changes have been made to the book, resulting in this important new edition—now titled Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition.

Much more than an introductory text, this crucial new edition has been completely revised to provide timely and thorough coverage of the underlying biochemical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms through which toxicants produce their adverse effects. Toxicological issues are covered from the molecule to the cell to the organ level. Complex methods used in toxicology are also described in a straightforward, easy-to-understand style. Additional features of this new edition include:

    • New chapters that explore the interface between toxicology and genomic sciences, including:
      bioinformatics, proteomics, metabolomics, and toxicogenomics
    • Increased emphasis on structure, mechanism, and regulation of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes,
      toxicogenetics, and xenobiotic transporters
    • Additional new chapters on: molecular epidemiology and genetic susceptibility, DNA damage and
      mutagenesis, DNA repair, mechanisms of cell death, mitochondrial dysfunction, metals, reproductive
      toxicology, developmental toxicology, and reactive oxygen/metabolites and toxicity

Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition guides graduate students, toxicologists, and environmental health professionals through the principles of molecular and biochemical toxicology and the complex mechanisms of toxicity. Whether it's used in the classroom or in industry, research, or academia, this book is essential for anyone interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms through which toxicants produce adverse effects

Table of Contents

1. Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology: Definition and Scope
2. Overview of Molecular Techniques in Toxicology: Genes and Transgenes
3. Toxicogenomics
4. Proteomics
5. Metabolomics
6. Bioinformatics
7 Immunochemical Techniques in Toxicology
8. Cellular Techniques
9. Structure, Mechanism and Regulation of Cytochromes P450
10. Phase I Metabolism of Toxicants and Metabolic Interactions
11. Phase I Pharmacogenetics
12. Phase II - Conjugation of Toxicants
13. Regulation and Polymorphisms in Phase II Genes
14. Developmental Effects on Xenobiotic Metabolism
15. Cellular Transport and Elimination
16. Mechanisms of Cell Death
17. Mitochondrial Dysfunction
18. Glutathione-Dependent Mechanisms in Chemically Induced Cell Injury and Cellular Protection Mechanisms
19. Toxicant-Receptor Interactions: Fundamental Principles
20. Reactive Oxygen/Metabolites and Toxicity
21. Metals
22. DNA Damage and Mutagenesis
23. DNA Repair
24. Carcinogenesis
25. Genetic Toxicology
26. Molecular Epidemiology and Genetic Susceptibility
27. Respiratory Toxicology
28. Hepatotoxicity
29. Biochemical Mechanisms of Renal Toxicity
30. Biochemical Toxicology of the Peripheral Nervous System
31. Biochemical Toxicology of the Central Nervous System
32. Immunotoxicology
33. Reproductive Toxicology
34. Developmental Toxicology
35. Dermatotoxicology

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