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Cancer Vaccines and Tumor Immunity
소비자가격 70,000원 86%할인
판매가격 10,000원 100점 적립
출판사 Wiley-Liss
저자 Rimas Orentas, James W. Hodge, Bryon D. Johnson PhD
발행일 2008-12-31
판형 16.1×24.2×2.2
페이지 수 334
ISBN 9780470074749
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Book Description

Cancer Vaccines and Tumor Immunity offers a review of the basic scientific discoveries that have moved forward into clinical trials. Presented in the context of real-world human research and experimentation, these major scientific advances demonstrate how our understanding of immune activation, T-regulatory cells, and autoimmunity will impact cancer vaccine design. The authors also explain how vaccination in the context of bone marrow transplantation will open new avenues for clinical study in the future.

Table of Contents


I. Introduction
  1. Cancer Vaccines: Progress and Promise

II. Adjuvant Therapy: Enhancing the Endogenous Immune Response
  2. Fully Synthetic Carboyhydrate-Based Antitumor Vaccines
  3. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Immunotherapy of Genitourinary Cancer
  4. Stimulation of Toll-Like Receptor 9 for Enhancing Vaccination

III. Antigen-Specific Therapy: Novel Presentation of Peptide and Protein Antigens
  5. Polyepitope Vaccines
  6. Antigen-Specific Cancer Immunotherapy: HPV-Associated Cervical Cancer as a Model System
  7. Poxviral Vectors for Cancer Vaccines: State of the Art
  8. Immunotherapeutic Strategies Against Cancer Using Listeria monocytogenes as a Vector for Tumor Antigens
  9. Coupling Innate and Adaptive Immunity with Yeast-BasedCancer Immunotherapy

IV. Cell-Based Therapy: Using Cancer Cells as a Means to Induce Specific Tumor Immunity
  10. Allogeneic Whole-Cell Vaccines
  11. Jump-Starting Tumor Immunity with Breast Cancer Therapeutics
  12. T-Regulatory Cell Manipulation in Tumor Immunotherapy
  13. Tumor Vaccination After Autologous HSCT: What Has Been Learned from Experimental Models
  14. Vaccines in the Setting of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
  15. Intratumor Generation of Vigorous Antitumor Immune Responses
  16. Cancer Immunotherapy: Untapping the Potential of Costimulatory Molecules Beyond CTLA-4

V. Defining Effective Clinical Responses
  17. Advances in Immune Monitoring Strategies for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy
  18. Immune Evaluation of Cancer Vaccines


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