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Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (13th)
소비자가격 190,000원 71%할인
판매가격 55,000원 550점 적립
출판사 McGraw-Hill
저자 Laurence Brunton
발행일 2017-12
판형 22.7×28.2×5.9
페이지 수 1420
ISBN 9781259584732
제품코드 9781259584732
단독배송상품 배송비 3,000원
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제
Book Description
The gold-standard of pharmacology texts – completely updated to reflect the latest research and developments
Goodman & Gilman’s: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Thirteenth Edition represents the pinnacle of authority and accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. Goodman & Gilman’s careful balance of basic science and clinical application has guided thousands of practitioners and students to a clear understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease.
The Thirteenth Edition includes more than 500 color illustrations, with many new figures emphasizing mechanisms of drug action.  More than 30 new contributors have added to this edition, while the focus on basic principles is undiminished.
This edition is enhanced by timely new content:
•NEW chapters including Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Immunity and Inflammation, Immunoglobulins and Vaccines, and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis
•Expanded coverage of cardiovascular disease, with separate chapters on  myocardial ischemia, hypertension, and heart failure 
•Increased emphasis on cellular signaling pathways involved in drug action
•Summary tables at the end of each chapter that organize drugs discussed in that chapter into relevant categories and detail therapeutic usage, clinical pharmacology, and tips
•Chapter Content Outlines at the beginning of each chapter
•Abbreviation boxes in every chapter to easily identify the abbreviations appearing in that chapter
More than a textbook, Goodman & Gilman’s is a working template for the effective and rational prescribing of drugs in daily practice.

Table of Contents
Section I General Principles 
Section II Neuropharmacology
Section III Modulation of Pulmonary, Renal, and Cardiovascular Function
Section IV Inflammation, Immunomodulation, and Hematopoiesis
Section V Hormones and Hormone Antagonists
Section VI Gastrointestinal Pharmacology
Section VII Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases
Section VIII Pharmacotherapy of Neoplastic Disease
Section IX Special Systems Pharmacology
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