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DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy 12th
소비자가격 240,000원 0%할인
판매가격 240,000원 2,400점 적립
출판사 McGrawHill
저자 Joseph T.DiPiro
발행일 2023-04
페이지 수 2618
ISBN 9781265161613
제품코드 9781265161613
상세설명 상품후기(0) 상품문의(0) 교환 및 반품/배송/결제

 This new edition of the authoritative pharmacotherapy text has been fully updated with the latest evidence-based information and recommendations

For more than 30 years, Dipiro’s Pharmacotherapy has been the essential textbook for learning how to properly select, administer, and monitor drugs?everything needed to provide safe, effective drug therapy across all therapeutic categories.

With content from 300 expert contributors, it offers detailed descriptions of common and uncommon disease states, including treatment by pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic means. Each disease chapter opens with Patient Care Process, helping readers understand the collaborative care model in which pharmacists work and communicate with other healthcare providers for effective coordinated care.


  • Loaded with pedagogy to help students fully master concepts and practices
  • Key concepts begin each chapter
  • Includes algorithms, dosing recommendations, and monitoring approaches
  • Diagnostic flow diagrams, treatment algorithms, dosing guideline recommendations, and monitoring approaches updated in full color to clearly distinguish treatment pathways
  • New drug monitoring tables have been added
  • Patient care process boxes help readers know how to communicate with other health care providers


Table of Contents


Section 1: Foundation Issues 
Section 2: Common Health Problems
Section 3: Special Populations 
Section 4: Cardiovascular Disorders
Section 5: Respiratory Disorders 
Section 6: Gastrointestinal Disorders
Section 7: Renal Disorders 
Section 8: Neurological Disorders
Section 9: Psychiatric Disorders 
Section 10: Endocrinologic Disorders
Section 11: Gynecologic and Obsetric Disorders
Section 12: Urological Disorders
Section 13: Immunologic Disorders
Section 14: Rheumatologic Disorders
Section 15: Ophthalmic Disorders
Section 16: Dermatologic Disorders
Section 17: Hematologic Disorders
Section 18: Infectious Diseases
Section 19: Oncologic Disorders 
Section 20: Nutritional Disorders  

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