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[eBook] Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (8th)
소비자가격 60,000원 0%할인
판매가격 60,000원 600점 적립
출판사 Wolters Kluwer
저자 Karen Whalen
발행일 2022-08
페이지 수 704
ISBN 9781975170585
제품코드 9781975170585
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Book Description


Students' favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical pharmacology, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 8th Edition, presents up-to-date drug information in an accessible format ideal for effective review.

Part of the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, this concise resource features clear writing and hundreds of illustrations that break down complex pharmacological information, so it is understandable and accessible. Sequential images present mechanisms of action and focus on showing rather than telling students how drugs work, and review questions with answers deliver powerful, practical exam preparation.

* NEW! Pharmacogenomics chapter familiarizes students with this topical area of clinical pharmacology.

* NEW! Clinical Application boxes emphasize the practical application of pharmacology concepts with real-world clinical examples.

* NEW! Chapter Summaries facilitate quick review for better student comprehension.

* Updated drug information reflects the most current, clinically relevant pharmacology material.

* Approachable outline format distills complex information for easier review.

* High-quality illustrations reinforce understanding in vibrant detail.

* Enhanced review questions with answers provide valuable self-assessment and prepare students for their Board reviews.



Table of Contents


UNIT I: Principles of Drug Therapy

Chapter 1: Pharmacokinetics

Chapter 2: Drug-Receptor Interactions and Pharmacodynamics

UNIT Il: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System

Chapter 3: The Autonomic Nervous System

Chapter 4: Cholinergic Agonists

Chapter 5: Cholinergic Antagonists

Chapter 6: Adrenergic Agonists

Chapter 7: Adrenergic Antagonists

UNIT III: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System

Chapter 8: Antihypertensives

Chapter 9: Diuretics

Chapter 10: Drugs for Heart Failure

Chapter 11: Antiarrhythmics

Chapter 12: Antianginal Drugs

Chapter 13: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents

Chapter 14: Drugs for Hyperlipidemia

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System

Chapter 15: Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Chapter 16: Anxiolytic and Hypnotic Drugs

Chapter 17: Antidepressants

Chapter 18: Antipsychotic Drugs

Chapter 19: Drugs for Epilepsy

Chapter 20: Anesthetics

Chapter 21: Opioids

Chapter 22: CNS Stimulants

UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System

Chapter 23: Pituitary and Thyroid

Chapter 24: Drugs for Diabetes

Chapter 25: Estrogens, Progestogens, and Androgens...385 Karen L. Whalen and Stacy L. Miller

Chapter 26: Adrenal Hormones

Chapter 27: Drugs Affecting Bone Metabolism

UNIT VI: Chemotherapeutic Drugs

Chapter 28: Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy

Chapter 29: Cell Wall Inhibitors

Chapter 30: Protein Synthesis Inhibitors

Chapter 31: Quinolones, Folic Acid Antagonists, and Urinary Tract Antiseptics

Chapter 32: Antimycobacterial Drugs

Chapter 33: Antifungal Drugs

Chapter 34: Antiviral Drugs

Chapter 35: Antiprotozoal Drugs

Chapter 36: Anthelmintic Drugs

Chapter 37: Anticancer Drugs

Chapter 38: Immunosuppressants

UNTT VII: Special Topics in Pharmacology

Chapter 39: Histamine and Serotonin

Chapter 40: Anti-Inflammatory, Antipyretic, and Analgesic Agents

Chapter 41: Drugs for Disorders of the Respiratory System

Chapter 42: Gastrointestinal and Antiemetic Drugs

Chapter 43: Drugs for Urologic Disorders

Chapter 44: Drugs for Anemia

Chapter 45: Drugs for Dermatologic Disorders

Chapter 46: Clinical Toxicology

Chapter 47: Drugs of Abuse

Chapter 48: Pharmacogenomics


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